Bluzone uses a template concept to configure Blufis.  The BlufiTemplate can be considered a provisioning profile that must be assigned to a Blufi during provisioning time.  The Bluzone workflow follows a best practices approach to enterprise configuration and device management.  The BlufiTemplate API exposes a list of available templates as well as REST endpoints for creating and editing the template.  

BlufiTemplates must be directly scoped to a project (as most entities in Bluzone data model), and must capture the following values at a minimum:  Name, ProjectId, SecurityType, passphrase.



Sample Create BlufiTemplate

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'bzid: MY_BZ_API_KEY' \
  --header 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '
		"name": "My Blufi Template",
		"ssid": "myssid",
		"projectId": 988,
		"tags": [
				"tagId": 2726,
				"projectId": 988,
				"value": "room-387",
				"displayName": "room-387"
				"tagId": 2727,
				"projectId": 988,
				"value": "blufi",
				"displayName": "blufi"
				"tagId": 2728,
				"projectId": 988,
				"value": "wh-123",
				"displayName": "wh-123"
		"securityType": {
			"securityTypeKey": "WPA2",
			"enterprise": false
		"passphrase": "mywifipasscode"

Sample - Get All BlufiTemplates For a Project

curl --request GET \
>   --url \
>   --header 'accept: application/json' \
>   --header 'bzid: MY_BZ_API_KEY' \
>   --header 'cache-control: no-cache' \
>   --header 'content-type: application/json'
		"wifiProfileId": null,
		"templateId": 2307,
		"edgeDeviceId": null,
		"projectId": 988,
		"name": "My Blufi Template",
		"description": null,
		"ssid": "myssid",
		"channels": "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14",
		"rssiThreshold": -99,
		"securityType": {
			"securityTypeKey": "WPA2",
			"enterprise": false
		"username": null,
		"passphrase": "my-wifi-password",
		"certFileName": null,
		"certData": null,
		"tags": [
				"tagId": 2726,
				"projectId": 988,
				"value": "room-387",
				"displayName": "room-387"
				"tagId": 2727,
				"projectId": 988,
				"value": "blufi",
				"displayName": "blufi"
				"tagId": 2728,
				"projectId": 988,
				"value": "wh-123",
				"displayName": "wh-123"
		"policies": [

		"scanMode": {
			"scanModeId": 1,
			"name": "System Beacon Management Scan Mode",
			"description": "Optimized for remote beacon configuration",
			"assetTrackingMode": false,
			"deviceJobMode": false,
			"scanInterval": 80,
			"scanWindow": 80,
			"channels": "37,38,39,2491,2498,255",
			"channelCycles": "1,1,1,10,10,0",
			"channelCount": 6,
			"trackingChannels": "",
			"idleCycles": 0,
			"scanMode": 0,
			"wifiProbe": false,
			"startFrequency": 0,
			"frequencyStep": 0,
			"sweepChannelCount": 0,
			"sweepMode": 0,
			"dwellTime": 24,
			"scanDelayTime": -11,
			"maxNoise": 0,
			"minSnr": 0,
			"maxSnr": 0,
			"wifiProbeChannel": 6,
			"wifiProbeInterval": 0,
			"wifiProbeWindow": 0,
			"dateCreated": 1463515421000,
			"dateUpdated": null
		"sleepSchedule": null,
		"assetTrackingEnabled": false,
		"autoCreatePLSPolicy": false,
		"dateCreated": 1500907953000,
		"dateUpdated": 1500907953000